Jeep Meter

A jeep meter is a device used to measure the voltage output of holiday detectors, which are tools designed to detect pinholes, cracks, or flaws in protective coatings on conductive substrates. It ensures the detector is operating at the correct voltage for accurate inspection and prevents damage to the coating or equipment.

Category: Coating Inspection, Pinhole & Porosity

Caltech India is the leading manufacturer and supplier of CES 176 – Jeep Meter. It is designed specifically for testing the output voltages of both Holiday Detector (DC & Pulse DC). Jeep Meter is recommended to measure the peak voltage of high voltage holiday detectors. The output voltages of holiday detector can be affected by many items like weather conditions, dirt grease contamination of electrodes, breakages of cable to handle, poor grounding, out of calibration period etc. Buy jeep meter with better performance and measure the output voltages of pulse & DC holiday detectors.

The jeep meter can be used for verification or calibration of holiday detectors. All measurements can be made quickly and accurately using jeep meter. This jeep meter is small, lightweight, rugged and can be used quickly and easily by field / site personnel to check the output voltages of holiday detector at construction sites. Both DC and pulse holiday detectors or porosity detectors are verified using jeep meter.

Holiday detector is suitable for all types of coatings like fusion bonded epoxy, coal tar epoxy, paints, polyester, polyurethane, pipeline tapes, heat shrinks and asphalt. Holiday detector is used to inspect protective coatings applied to pipelines, tanks, pilings, fire lines or cathodically protected cross country buried pipelines of conductive surface. It is essential to verify high voltage DC or pulse voltage of instrument in doubt. It is used to verify voltages of holiday detector at pipeline construction sites.

It is fitted with 2 nos. 9 Volts batteries. Above picture shows the view of instrument. The jeep meter has a clear legible display and allows measurements to be easily seen even in low light locations.

Voltage measurement range is 0 to 40KV(0 to 40000 pulse DC Volt) & 0-6KV (0 to 6000 DC Volts) based on model of your choice. Display resolutions is 0.1KV. It is supplied complete with measuring instrument, earth cable, battery fitted, and carrying case and calibration certificate. Two different models of jeep meter for your choice.

We also undertake Repair and Calibration of all types of Holiday Detector, Pinhole Detector, Jeep Meter of SPY Pipeline Inspection Company, Tinker & Rasor, PCWI Meter.

Also available full range of holiday detectors for meeting pipeline, engineering, construction & maintenance of paints, coating and lining industries. Buy jeep meter from our website now!!

Ordering Information:

CES 176 – Jeep Meter 0-40KV Pulse / 0-5KV DC

Related Products:

CES 170 – Wet Sponge Pinhole Detector 9 / 67.5 / 90 Volts
CES 171 – Digital Holiday Detector 0.1KV to 5KV.
CES 173 – Digital Pulsed DC Holiday Detector 0.1KV to 35KV

In India, we have various customers from Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Surat, Pune, Jaipur, Lucknow, Kanpur, Nagpur, Visakhapatnam, Indore, Bhopal, Patna, Vadodara, Ghaziabad, Ludhiana, Coimbatore, Madurai, Nashik, Srinagar, Aurangabad, Dhanbad, Allahabad and Ranchi in India.

We also export our range of products to worldwide countries like USA, Canada, Chile, United Kingdom – UK, Spain, Germany, Italy, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Kuwait, Iran, Indonesia, Thailand, and many more as well.

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